Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Love symptoms syndrome


Love symptoms syndrome:
                         When you are in love you might be acting in some sort of irrational ways even though your mind justifies everything.  You can find many symptoms like smiling to yourself without any apparent reason, restless trembling of hands, feet and other body parts, absent mindedness or inability to concentrate on a particular work, etc. Actually, these symptoms seem to be more obvious to others than to the person involved.  The person will turn as a tongue-tied by the strong emotions.

If you Want to know more about this topics pls click

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eye irritation

please do not see the tv with close.

avoid to see the sun directly

must use clean cloth to wash the eyes.

use the gentle soap.

if you have any irritation dont be hesitate to contact eye specalist becase in this this world more than 10 million people doesn't see the world without spectacles.

Eye sight maybe change every year .so please check it every year.

use nice classes

frame doesn't matter class only be quality

daily night wash your eyes using clean water.

use cucumber for eyes freshness.

...more pls

Breast cancer

Breast cancer comes to the females who not maintain their breast with full of care.

 Drugs to prevent breast cancer.
Women with high risk, namely the survival or  survivor of breast cancer or who at least have blood ties with People with breast cancer (mother or sister), can get Tamoxifen therapy, which works by blocking the effects of estrogen trigger tumor maybe.

Eating a single serving of a cruciferous vegetable a day can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer (and other cancers as well!).  Examples of these life-saving veggies include broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, daikon, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radish, rutabaga, watercress and wasabi.

 Eat more fruits and vegetables.
More and more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer.
Foods from plants containing a high anti-oxidant, including vitamin A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which may prevent cell damage that could be causing cancer. National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 (five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fat, like french fries or pie with banana cream.

  Eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.
Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogens (fito-estrogens). As with tamoxifen, this compound similar to estrogen the body, but weaker. Fito-estrogen receptor bound to the same cells with the estrogen the body, tied it out of breast cells, thereby reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers.
Besides blocking the body’s estrogen to reach receptor cells, soy-containing foods also accelerate spending from the body’s estrogen.

Weight gain and lack of exercise are easy traps to fall into during ongoing breast cancer treatment, but it remains prudent to advise women to eat right and exercise daily.  So, don’t take your breast cancer just sitting down and eating your comfort food.  Getting going might just help you survive not only your breast cancer, but also all-cause mortality (translation: all major causes of death).

 Pumpkins, yellow peppers and cantaloupe melons:
Orange or yellow coloured fruit and vegetables are a rich source of betacarotene - which is the precursor of vitamin A and a potent antioxidant which helps fight off highly-reactive molecules that can harm our body and lead to severe diseases such as breast cancer.

  • Oily fish:
    Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, trout and salmon have all been linked to a lower incidence of breast cancer. Evidence shows that eskimos who have a high intake of oily fish have no incidence of breast cancer. This is thanks to the presence of omega-3 fats.

Recent findings have revealed that Omega-3 oils prevent or slow down the growth of cancerous tumours and also boost our immune system. This is because omega-3 oils compete with omega-6 fats (found in cooking oils which can encourage cell division) and keep cell growth under control.

Omega-3s appear to have the ability to switch off growth mechanism of cells and prevent them from dividing, and, in turn, leading to cancerous tumours.
Recommended dose: Three portions of fresh oily fish every  week.

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and kale - all members of the cabbage family are said to be highly toxic towards cancerous cells. This is because they contain cancer-fighting compounds known as indole-3-carbinol which is thought to deactivate oestrogen, and in turn, help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

 In addition, meeting the doctor directly Welfare

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Indian health secret

Indians  health Secret

In this world indians have more health care tips more than others.As a indian i suggest you some of our health tips.Not only tips it's my own advise also.But it is little  hard for east countries people ,because of their food habits..

* Most of indian veda advising to eat vegetarian only.

* Daily add 8 % salt in your food .and drink minimum 6.5 litter water .without water mustn't have a food.

* don't do a sex at morning or direct sunlight .

* females don't long walk at night.because their Virtual not suitable for that.

* Daily bath must

* 3 times taken a food is good .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to get a beautyful eyes.

yes you can change your eyes beauty level .Lot of  people worry about their eyes structure and size.we can re arrange our eyes beauty with simple following tips

   Eyes--Easy to handle with simple tips

Dark circles, Puffy eyes and Crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.

If your eyes are puffy with dark shadows, it shows you are not getting enough sleep. One can get dark circles and puffy eyes if you had a late night out or didn't have a night's sleep or cried your heart out. But, you can make them fade fast.

Preventive methods

For dark circles : 

    Gently wash the face, then apply a skin tightening moisturizer around the eyes.

    Grind a raw potato and add almond paste to it. Use the mixture regularly under the eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness.

    Increase your daily intake of water to minimum 8 to10 glasses.

    Apply fresh fig on the eyes.

    Place two cucumber slices over the eyes and rest for 15 minutes or apply cucumber juice under the eyes.

    Getting enough sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, can fade out dark circles

For puffy eyes :

    The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. When the spoons become warm, switch them with the others chilling in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

    Settle down for two to five minutes with a chilled, steeped chamomile or green tea bag over each eye. The natural properties of these herbal teas helps to bring puffy eyes back down to size.

    Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and puffiness of eyes. Slice a large cucumber, reserve two slices to place over eyes. Peel and puree the remaining cucumber. This can be applied as a pack onto your face. Remove after fifteen minutes. Apply moisturiser thickly to seal in water.


Crow's-feet are those wrinkles or tiny lines at the corner of the eyes. Once it appears, it is difficult to make it fade. It can only be faded with the aid of  injections or cosmetic surgery. It is better to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

    Wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more to avoid the ultra violet rays of the sun which cause wrinkles on the skin.

    Always wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun.

    Sleeping on your back helps smooth out the wrinkles because gravity works to pull the skin backward. If

     you cannot sleep on your back, at least try to switch sides frequently.

    The skin below your eyes is thin and has few oil producing glands. So don't pull, tag or drag it as you apply and remove make up. Any time you apply cream or lotion, dab, don't rub.

    Regular use of Retin-A cream, an acne product that exfoliates the skin, also improves the appearance of fine crow's-feet

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

common beauty tips

Beauty Tips:

·         Turmeric is the best for antiseptic - mix 2 tsp of turmeric with 3 tsp of rose water and apply on your face dry it for 10 minutes. And rinse with warm water to get clear, bright skin.

·         Olive oil contains vitamin E – apply 1 tsp of oil and wipe it off with a cleanser to get shiny skin can also apply on hair to get silky shiny lustrous hair

·         Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin.

·         Body salt – mix white sugar or salt with almond oil  add a few drops of essential oils, if necessary

·         Mix olive oil and eggs and apply on hair as a mask and wash it with mild shampoo. This can make your hair stronger

·         Mix honey, Aloe Vera, lemon essential oil and bee wax to make lemon lip gloss on your own

·         Massage your hands in circular motions followed with a cold cream to get wrinkle free beautiful hands.

·         Add 1 one cup honey along with 1 cup red wine in your bath to get clear skin.

·         Add apple, honey and yogurt, mix well and apply as a mask on your face and neck. Get soft, supple and beautiful skin.

·         Mix brown sugar, castor sugar, almond oil and rub in your lips to defoliate the dead skin and to get pink lips.

·         Coffee body scrub: ground coffee beans mix it with salt or sugar and add olive oil or coconut oil.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Prevent urinary tract infections for Women

(NaturalNews) More than 50 percent of women experience at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetimes, and despite the drugs doled out by Big Pharma, as many as 50 percent of those women experience a recurrence within one year, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The cause of urinary tract infection in nearly 95 percent of women are bacteria like E. coli, mycoplasma and chlamydia that multiply at the opening of their urethras and then make their way to the bladder. Initial infections and recurrences can be prevented naturally with herbal support and simple lifestyle modifications.

A urinary tract infection in women may cause pain or burning during urination, lower abdominal cramps or pain, nausea, blood or pus in urine, frequent urination and pain during sexual intercourse. Antibiotics are the conventional treatment for UTIs. However, conventional treatments only suppress the bacteria that causes most UTIs. Women can develop a new UTI from the same bacteria, typically within six to 12 months. They are also vulnerable to infection from a different bacteria.


Cranberry can help prevent urinary tract infection in women, but contrary to popular belief, cranberries do not demonstrate an ability to treat existing infections. A study published in the British Medical Journal in June 2001 found that only 16 percent of women who drank cranberry juice daily suffered a recurrence of UTI within six months, only half that of women in the control group.

Cranberries contain a substance called proanthocyanidins that prevents E. coli from attaching to the bladder's inner walls, according to the University of New Mexico. Blueberries may provide the same benefits.

Goldenseal and barberry

Goldenseal may also stop bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. According to the University of New Mexico, goldenseal contains an alkaloid called bererine that behaves similarly to proanthocyanidins. Goldenseal also contains the chemical berberine that can fight UTIs and bladder infectionsby killingE. coli and other bacteria. The supplement barberry is also a source of berberine.

Berberine kills bacteria that cause yeast infections and diarrhea, according to the UMMC. It may also activate white blood cells so they can better combat infections, resulting in a stronger immune system. Berberine may be used internally and externally; some people use it as a perineal wash after intercourse to prevent UTIs.


Lifestyle modifications can be beneficial for prevention despite the varying causes of urinary tract infection; these may be particularly important for women who get infections frequently. Cleaning the genital area and urinating before sexual intercourse can lower the chances of a UTI. Urinating after intercourse and whenever needed may prevent infections as well. Showers are better than baths for preventing infection. A diaphragm that fits well can help prevent UTIs. Avoid using scented douches and hygiene sprays. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises drinking at least six to eights glasses of filtered water every day and exercising for 30 minutes five days per week. The University of New Mexico recommends avoiding smoking, alcohol, coffee and spicy foods

Avoid Infections

1. Wash your hands
This may sound obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many of us don't wash our hands regularly enough.

Make sure you always wash regularly with soap and warm water - some experts say each wash should last as long as it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice.

Don't worry about antibacterial soaps - regular soap will work just fine.

Soap and water don't actually kill bacteria or viruses, but instead create a slippery surface so that organisms just slide off - and that's all you need.

2. Use disposable tissues
Carry round a pack of tissues with you for wiping your nose - and then throw each one away after using it.

Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing and then wash your hands as soon as possible afterwards.

3. Stay at home if you get ill
If you do get flu-like symptoms, then stay at home. Dragging yourself into work will only spread the infection further.

4. Clean up after yourself
When you use the bathroom or kitchen, make sure you clean up properly to stop infections spreading to the next person who comes along.

5. Avoid sharing
Whether at home or work, try not to share bowls, cups or cutlery and make sure it's all washed in soap and hot water after use.

What about face masks?
There are lots of pictures of Mexicans wearing blue face masks in an effort to stop the swine flu spreading - but do they actually do any good?

Experts believe that by and large face masks are not necessary and can actually make people think they're better protected than they really are.

Dr Ronald Cutler from Queen Mary, University of London says: 'I think masks give people a false sense of security...Masks are obviously just covering one part of the body so your hands and clothes could all have the virus on and when you take them off you will infect yourself.'

Live a long life

Longevity seems to be the health buzzword these days, and for good reason. Americans in particular are obsessed with staying youthful, but it’s often the villagers living in remote parts of the world who seem to have exceptional health and live to be over one hundred years of age. As Westerners we want to know what these people do every day to increase their lifespan. The truth lies in living simply, having good friends and eating right. The following tips are from centenarians around the world who have found a fountain of youth in their very own backyard.

Eat simply The majority of centenarians in the world live by modest means. This translates directly to their diets, which are plant-based, consisting of a variety of legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Modest living means modest eating and even fasting from time to time. Eating less in general is simply good practice. “Hara hachi bu” is a reminder used by Okinawans, meaning eat until you are 80 percent full. The old adage, eat like a king by day and a pauper by night is one the wise ones around the world adhere to. Practice eating a large breakfast, a moderate sized lunch and a light dinner.

Get active Staying active is every bit as important as having healthy eating habits, but it’s not the sort of intense gym activity we’re accustomed to these days. Find something you enjoy; whether it’s taking your dog on long walks in the park or tending to your vegetable garden, these types of low intensity physical activities are actually more beneficial in the long run.

Find purpose In addition to eating habits and moderate exercise, having a life purpose is at the top of the longevity list. Centenarians across the globe are happy people who have reason to get up in the morning. Think about your life purpose. Make a personal mission statement. Another way to keep curiosity in peak condition is to keep learning. Perhaps you’d like to learn Italian or take a flamenco class. A key to long life is never losing your childlike curiosity.

Reduce stress While most of us aren’t living in a quaint, peaceful village in Sardinia or a brisk mountain town of Ecuador, we do have the tools to create quiet places for ourselves and greatly reduce the stresses of modern-day living. Yoga and meditation are great practices that can be done privately or in group settings. Deep breathing techniques, adequate amounts of clean drinking water, restorative sleep and laughter are great ways to relieve stress. Schedule time with friends and family who make you laugh or read a book that tickles your funny bone. Journaling or painting, or simply making a point to resist rushing through the day are all ways of promoting good relaxation.

Have a social network Having strong emotional ties with friends and family protects us from isolation, depression and even mental illness. For human beings, love and intimacy are as essential as food and water. Spend more time cultivating connections with your parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, friends, coworkers and neighbors. It takes a village to create a long happy life.

Believe Your spirituality and personal faith are secret elixirs in your life. Faith allows us to find inner peace, accept life as it is and come to terms with the disparity between expectation and reality.

Butt out Smoking is a surefire step to the morgue. If you do smoke, seek help to quit!

life changing health tips

1. Breathe as if you're divine

"When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world."

2. Go inward

"The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life."

3. Connect to something greater then yourself

"The supreme adventure in a man’s life is his journey back to his Creator. To reach the goal he needs well developed and co-ordinated functioning of his body, senses, mind, reason and Self."

4. Health is the gateway to spiritual well-being

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open."

5. Strive for truth

"If you take up any noble line and stick to it, you can reach the ultimate. Be inspired, but not proud. Do not aim low; you will miss the mark. Aim high; you will be on the threshold of bliss."

6. Embrace change

"Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be."

7. Be willing to evolve

"Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one's being, from bodily health to self-realization. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul."

8. Examine who you are

"The whole thrust of yogic philosophical and scientific inquiry has therefore been to examine the nature of being, with a view to learning to respond to the stresses of life without so many tremors and troubles."

9. Be patient with your practice

"It took me whole decades to appreciate the depth and true value of yoga."

10. Discover your path

"Illuminated emancipation, freedom, unalloyed and untainted bliss await you, but you have to choose to embark on the Inward Journey to discover it."

Monday, August 20, 2012

Benifits of natural sources like eggs,honey and other health product

Some Natural herbs cooling properties while some rejuvenate the hair roots.Eggs and proteins and conditioning agents to the shampoo .The extracts from plants and vegetables  benefits the hair as they moisturise the scalp and keep it cool without doing ant damage to it.Herbs like spearmint act as an antiseptic and help in cleaning an oily scalp.Camomile is believed to lighten the hair .Comfrey and rosemary aid in cleansing while henna acts as a conditioner.'Amla' strenghtens the hair roots and reetha and shikakai are very good cleansing agents

Squeaky-clean indicates that the oils have been removed from the hair .however it may also indicate a raised hair cuticle.Rely on a through rinsing rather than the squeaky clean feeling.

A cool water rinse helps in closing the hair cuticles which makes the hair feel smoother .Hot water stimulates oil production.So if your hair is dry  you may want to use warm water .

Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012 how many golds India will take ?

India 2012 Olympics gold count|how many gold india takes

how many golds india olympic 2012
Olympic India
...Give your confidence in comments

Friday, July 27, 2012


ü In the twenties the skin hair as well as the general health is at its peak. The hormonal changes that the teenager faces ,also disappear by this time. The hair requires very little worry but there are several points that one must bear in mind .
ü Most young girls in this age group go on crash diets which effect their general health skin as well as the hair since vital nutrients are often missing from their diets.
ü They  also try to experiment with different types of hair styles and use various treatment , which may not be good for the hair in the longer run. One must remember the importance of the clean hair and a balanced diet.
ü Don’t  forget to oil the hair before a shampoo. If you have permed or colour treated your hair  use a shampoo formulated for these conditions.  It is easy to
ü Ignore the warnings but the damage will be realized during the later years of life.

The are most common problems are :
* Dry scalp
* Oily scalp
ü Dandruff the most common problem is caused because of a greasy scalp which sheds its skin cells in quick succession.
ü The dry scalp is caused due to environmental factors and chemical treatments used for styling the hair. The main reason for the dryness being the depletion
ü Of moisture level.
ü Oliy scalp is caused by the overproduction of sebum by the glands in the scalp. This could also be due to the inadequate  rinsing out the hair.

ü If your hair is supple shiny falls out at the rate of not more than 30 days,needs shampooing only  once every week, can hold a set, feels soft to touch and doesn’t produce any static electricity it is in good health.
ü If the hair is dull, difficult to style doesn’t hold a set splits at the ends produces a lot of static electricity or tangles easily then it is too dry.
ü If the hair is oily greasy just 2 days after a shampoo sticks together won’t keep any style is dull and looks neglected it is too oily.
ü If it has splits at the ends falls out in bunches and has dandruff looks patchy or appear moth eaten whenever you give it a permanent or a color rinse then it is unhealthy.

For glowing hair grind a few whole green grams lemon peels a handful of curry leaves and a few reethas to a paste and apply to the hair before washing off.